Re: 1961 1962 Win Stickers???

Forums Forums GENERAL DISCUSSION 1961 1962 Win Stickers??? Re: 1961 1962 Win Stickers???


      To all the guys E-mailing ,Private Messaging and Calling about this Decal and others on EBaY and on other websites …My answer is: Yes ,I watch all this Stuff…Yes, I know who He and all the others are and No …not worth doing anything about it . “Caveat emptor” Latin …for “Let the buyer beware”. I am rethinking if I’m going to even Bother getting into the “DOVER Win Sticker INTERNET DECAL WARS”. Most buyers don’t know the differance between good, bad, ugly, cheap ,authentic, great ,average, good or poor design and questionable production methods. My art and copyrighted stuff remains that and I choose to continue to create Cool recreated stuff of value and meaning. To copy all the Dover Win Stickers , like all the others, seems a little worthless now. Watch for MY new stuff as it comes from My drawing board …always thinking of what would be treasured and appreciated by the true Drag Nostalgia Guy. I spend Hours to design things the right way with talent and expeariance….not ‘scan it and jam it’. Another person who also does it right and won’t steer you wrong is JIM at Nostalgic Racing Decals.